Rules and regulations
Everyone appreciates and enjoys a clean, neat and well maintained cemetery.
Rules and regulations help achieve keeping the cemetery beautiful at all times.
Rules and regulations help achieve keeping the cemetery beautiful at all times.
To report any maintenance concerns or rule violations
please call: (918) 438.9892
To report any maintenance concerns or rule violations
please call: (918) 438.9892
When lots are purchased, the person signing the contract acknowledges and agrees to follow the rules and regulations of Graceland cemetery. Extended family and friends may not be aware of these rules. For easy reference, a sign providing a summary of the flower regulations is posted at the cemetery entrance. To see a full copy of all the current rules and regulations, please click on the button to the right.
Rules & Regulations are subject to change to
better facilitate business requirements. Version 201807 |
Who's responsibility
One of the most common questions we get is "Doesn't perpetual care take care of that?" Perpetual care is often misunderstood. Simply stated, perpetual care funds are used for general maintenance including mowing and upkeep of roads, buildings, paths, fencing and signs.
Since the grave is deeded to the family and the markers are purchased by the family, perpetual care does not cover the repair of damaged markers or fallen headstones. The family is responsible for headstone maintenance and keeping the gravesite clean and neat according to cemetery regulations. Overtime, headstones naturally sink and often end up tilting. When the time comes to correct upright headstone issues, the first person to contact is the company who manufactured and installed the marker. They have the proper equipment and trained personnel required for upright marker corrections. Please understand, there could be a fee charged for this service. |
If you have any maintenance questions or concerns, please call (918) 438-9892
The sign below is posted at the entrance into Graceland Cemetery.
This sign is provided as a quick and easy reference for the most common questions regarding flower regulations. The March regulation generates questions every year. March provides the cemetery an early growing season opportunity to spray the entire cemetery for weed control, to fertilize and to do the first mowing of the season without decorations interfering with the process. Depending upon the weather, this once-a-year event could be early, or late in the month. Any decorations remaining on a gravesite in March is at risk of being thrown away. If a specific March date is of special importance to your family to decorate a gravesite, please consider calling the office beforehand to see if this lawn treatment event has already been completed. The cemetery does NOT schedule lawn treatments to accommodate special requests to decorate in March. OFFICE telephone: (918) 274-9110.