Flat markers come in all sizes and variations. Please remember that vases are required if the family plans to keep flowers on the grave continuously. The vases will be turned down (stored inside the marker) when left unattended. UPRIGHT MARKERS Monument companies provide amazing choices for families to pick from. Graceland has rules and regulations in the contract that limit the size of upright makers permitted. FLOWERS and DECORATIONS Please review the rules and regulations section on the website. |
Effective July 23, 2018
ALL markers must be approved by Memorial Park Cemetery before installation.
Please email height, width, and material specifications along with a rendering of the marker to:
[email protected]
For questions, please call (918) 274-9110
ALL markers must be approved by Memorial Park Cemetery before installation.
Please email height, width, and material specifications along with a rendering of the marker to:
[email protected]
For questions, please call (918) 274-9110